I've finally had the opportunity to post a review of Nightblooming's Triple Moon Anointing Oil. I feel I've had ample time to give it a try and see if I like it.
Bottle of Triple Moon Oil |
There are a ton of different oils out there that people have used for oiling their hair. My default oil is coconut oil, personally, because my hair tends to become limp and stringy with some of the heavier oils. Oiling the hair at night, for me, is an important step in my haircare routine. Some oils and ingredients are even said to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth! I have also found that daily oiling can help me stretch my washes so I won't have to use shampoo every day. This is great for me, because over-shampooing the hair can actually cause problems for some people, like excessive sebum production and dry hair.
I purchased a 0.5 ounce bottle of the Triple Moon Oil as a trial, and I must say that it is absolutely wonderful!
The small size makes it perfect for a fair trial (I've been using it for about a week now, not just on my hair, and I've still got plenty left) and to carry in your purse, bag, or what have you. The scent is a very natural, herbal, floral, almost perfume-like scent that is not too overpowering, but I find that it is somewhat strong, though it dissipates fairly quickly, provided you don't oil your hair until it is limp. If you're not a fan of natural/perfume scents, this might not be for you, so definitely try it out and see if you like it before buying the full-sized bottle.
The oil is packed with a ton of wonderful ingredients for the hair, let's have a look:
INGREDIENTS LIST (from Nightblooming's Etsy site):
Cold–pressed unrefined sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, shea nut
oil, nettle-infused oil, sea buckthorn oil, and the essential oils of
bay, birch, cedarwood, german chamomile, lavender, red thyme, rosemary,
sage, tea tree, and ylang-ylang.
You can read a breakdown of the list of ingredients (provided by Nightblooming)
here at her blog. Needless to say, she has clearly put a lot of thought, research, and time into combining lots of hair-nourishing ingredients into an easy-to-use formula, which is especially helpful for those of us who don't really have the time or know-how to create our own concoctions!
The oil also has another really great use too- as a nail-strengthening oil! I use several drops on my hands and cuticles to help nourish my nails and soften my skin. I usually use heated up olive oil, but sometimes, I don't have access to any and use this instead. The dropper makes it super easy to apply to the fingernails!
The packaging is great. Some oils come in a squeeze bottle or a pump bottle. The Triple Moon Oil comes in a bottle with a little eyedropper for easy application and control of the amount you use. She also sells them without a dropper, but I find that the oil has a very watery consistency that makes the dropper pretty important to ensure a non-messy application.
The only downside is that this oil could leave fine, thin hair limp. I have F/M hair that is not particularly thin, and I have to use it carefully during my day oilings to avoid using too much. However, this is not an issue exclusive to Triple Moon Oil, and can be found with just about any other oil. If you choose to apply it liberally and allow it to soak in, it makes a wonderful deep-treatment oiling!
This has become a staple in my haircare routine, and for good reason. It is excellent, versatile, and perfect for both everyday light oilings, and deep treatments. I recommend it. :)